Plagiarism Policy

International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) adheres to a strict zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. To ensure the integrity of scholarly work, all submitted articles are screened for plagiarism using tools such as iThenticate or Turnitin. Authors will receive the Turnitin report along with the review feedback.

Authors are encouraged to check for plagiarism on their end as well to avoid any issues during the review process. Proper quotation and citation of other researchers' work is essential.

If an article is found to be plagiarized, it will not be published under any circumstances. Additionally, if plagiarism is detected after acceptance, the article may be retracted.

Plagiarism Screening and Actions

Similarity IndexAction TakenDetails
Above 30% Article Rejected Articles with a similarity index above 30% will be rejected due to significant issues with citation and/or paraphrasing. No resubmission will be accepted.
15% - 30% Editor May Request Revisions Articles in this range may be returned to authors for improvement. Authors must provide correct citations and revise paraphrasing as needed. Resubmission will be required.
Below 15% Accepted for Further Editorial Processing or Publication Articles with less than 15% similarity may be accepted for further editorial processing, depending on the quality of citations and paraphrasing. If substantial issues are found later, additional revisions may be required.

For articles falling into categories 2 and 3:

  • Revisions Required: Authors must carefully revise their articles to address issues of similarity, enhance citations, and improve paraphrasing.
  • Resubmission: Authors should resubmit the revised article along with a new Turnitin report showing no plagiarism and a similarity index below 15%. Please ensure revisions are completed within [specify time frame if applicable].