A Call from IJABIM for Interdisciplinary Research: Social and Economy Impacts and Responses to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A Call from IJABIM for Interdisciplinary Research: Social and Economy Impacts and Responses to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Editors of International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) are issuing a special call for papers on the Coronavirus to be authored, reviewed, and published as quickly as possible in the journal. As COVID-19 has rapidly spread quickly from China to other parts of the world, the impacts on business, education, global business, entrepreneurship, consumer behavior, international business have generated urgent need for new, novel, relevant, interdisciplinary research. We will provide a platform for publishing and distributing new high-quality research to share information from scientists, researchers, policy-makers, decision-makers and others working in academia, government, industry and humanitarian assistance organizations.

Open Access fees for relevant, accepted papers on this topic will be waived. Paper titles should mention either “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19.” or “SARS-CoV-2.”

We seek two types of papers.

First, we need short papers describing impacts and responses including changes in business, education, global business, entrepreneurship, consumer behavior and contain the virus through social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. What have been the impacts of the disease on business? How have global business and others on the front lines responded to this crisis? How have communities implemented and managed quarantine and “red zones” to contain the disease? What lessons and resources need to be shared and where are gaps and deficiencies in response and recovery from the COVID-19 virus?

Second, we seek longer papers on the temporal and spatial risks, transmission and spread of the disease through and across the world. We are particularly interested in understanding the role of business and management and the connections between the epidemic and consumer behavior and evaluation of measures to curb the spread of the disease.

We encourage researchers with backgrounds in marketing, international business, finance & accounting, system information management, international marketing, professional training, business, business ethics, business information systems, change management, global business, entrepreneurship, cost management, consumer behavior, information system, information technology management, international business, management information system and other disciplines using diverse methods, sources of data, and approaches to contribute to this initiative.

Please submit your papers to aibpm.publisher@gmail.com, or through the IJABIM website which also contains author guidelines and style requirements for the journal: http://www.ejournal.aibpm.org/index.php/IJABIM/index