Employees' Wellbeing As a Mediator The Influence of Work Stress and Job Insecurity on Performance Health Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic
This study aims to analyze and examine the role of employees' wellbeing in mediating the effect of work stress and job insecurity on the performance of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is an explanatory research with data collection methods using survey methods through distributing questionnaires. Respondents in this study were 187 health workers who worked in a hospital in East Java, Indonesia. Data analysis using Partial Least Square.
The results showed that work stress had a negative and insignificant effect on the performance of health workers, job insecurity had a negative and significant effect on the performance of health workers, while employees' wellbeing had a positive and significant effect on the performance of health workers. Job stress has a negative but not significant effect on employees' wellbeing and job insecurity has a negative and significant effect on employees' wellbeing. The results of testing the indirect effect show that employees' wellbeing is not able to mediate the effect of work stress on the performance of health workers in a negative and insignificant way, while the effect of job insecurity on the performance of health workers' employees' wellbeing is able to mediate negatively and significantlyKeywords
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32535/ijabim.v9i1.2945
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